Google's Limited Ads Support

Google's Limited Ads Support

You can serve direct-sold ads without using personal data and consent in Google Ad Manager if enabling the option 'Enable Google Limited Ads' at your CMP.

If the option 'Enable Google Limited Ads' is enabled, unicLoad variable in the consent API response is marked as TRUE (when IAB consent purposes 2,7,9,10 are not rejected) to indicate the loading of your advertising tags.

Google’s limited ads solution doesn't rely on cookies or mobile identifiers, but does utilize data like IP addresses in the course of basic ad serving and does result in ad creatives being sent to, and in some instances cached on, devices.

Programmatic demand and AdSense (AdSense for Search and AdSense for Content) is not supported by 'Limited Ads'.

Please find more at Google Limited Ads about which ads are eligibility for 'Limited Ads'.

Please keep this option disabled if you are unsure about it.