Transparency and Consent Framework Canada (TCF Canada) API

UniConsent CMP supports the Transparency and Consent Framework Canada (TCF Canada), which provides guidance for publishers, technology vendors, agencies, advertisers, and digital marketers to ensure that they are processing personal data legally in the Canadian market.

To enable TCF Canada API support within the UniConsent CMP dashboard, simply enable the "Enable Canada IAB TCF Policy" option. The TCF Canada API is a part of the Global Privacy Platform API, and its client-side prefix is tcfcav1.

The Global Privacy Platform (GPP) provides several APIs that can be used for the Canada Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF). These APIs include:


This API allows for the retrieval of the entire GPP data object, which includes the Canada TCF data, as well as data for other regulatory frameworks. The following command can be used to retrieve the GPP data object:


Has Section API:

This API checks if a specific section is present within the GPP data object. To check if the Canada TCF section is present, the following command can be used:

__gpp('hasSection', null, 'tcfcav1')

Get Section API:

This API retrieves a specific section within the GPP data object. To retrieve the Canada TCF section, the following command can be used:

__gpp('getSection', null, 'tcfcav1')

Get Field API:

This API retrieves a specific field within a section of the GPP data object. To retrieve a list of Vendor IDs with consent given for the Canada TCF, the following commands can be used:

__gpp('getField', null, 'tcfcav1.VendorExpressConsent')
__gpp('getField', null, 'tcfcav1.VendorImpliedConsent')

These APIs allow for the retrieval of important data related to the Canada TCF, which can be used by publishers, technology vendors, agencies, advertisers and digital marketers to ensure they are working under appropriate legal purposes for processing personal data in the Canadian market.