IAB TCF 2.2: Transitioning to TCF 2.2


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In response to evolving data protection requirements and expectations, the Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) Steering Group has greenlit updates to the Framework. The latest iteration, TCF 2.2, brings forth substantial changes designed to align more effectively with regulatory expectations and user preferences.

IAB GDPR CMP IAB TCF 2.2 - UniConsent

Key Amendments in TCF v2.2 Policies

  1. Removal of Legitimate Interest Basis: Within the TCF scope, Vendors can now only select consent as an acceptable legal basis for purposes 3, 4, 5, and 6 at the registration level. Legitimate interest for advertising and content personalization has been excluded.

  2. Enhanced End-User Information: There are improvements in the information provided to end-users. Purpose and feature names and descriptions have been modified, replacing legal text with user-friendly descriptions. Real-use case examples (illustrations) supplement these changes.

  3. Standardization of Vendor Information: Vendors are now obligated to furnish additional details about their data processing operations. This information, including categories of data collected, retention periods per purpose, and applicable legitimate interest(s), will be disclosed to end-users.

  4. Transparency on Vendor Numbers: Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) must disclose the total number of Vendors seeking a legal basis on the first layer of their UIs, enhancing transparency.

  5. Withdrawal of Consent Facilitation: Publishers and CMPs must ensure that users can easily resurface CMP UIs and withdraw consent.

IAB TCF 2.2 Timeline

TCF 2.2 is set to launch on May 16, 2023. However, widespread vendor support for TCF 2.2 is expected to take time, with many IAB vendors still not supporting it as of today. The deadline for the transition to IAB TCF 2.2 has been extended to November 20, 2023, as indicated on the IAB EU website.

Changes in IAB TCF 2.2

Details regarding the changes in IAB TCF 2.2 can be found at IAB TCF 2.2: What Are the Changes?

Google has notified all publishers about the mandatory use of a Google-certified Consent Management Platform (CMP) for serving ads to EEA and UK users. Starting January 16, 2024, compliance with this requirement will be essential, and publishers can opt for any Google-certified CMP UniConsent for this purpose.

About UniConsent

UniConsent is a part of Transfon User Experience Platform serve tens of millions of users per day to provide a seamless experience for both users and publishers in the age of post GDPR. Behind Transfon, it is a group of performance and user experience experts. Contact us to know more: hello@uniconsent.com

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