IAB TCF 2.2 意见征求管理平台(CMP)

Certified CMP enhances your website's GDPR compliance. Seamlessly integrate a cookie banner tailored for the IAB TCF framework and boost your advertising revenue. Compatible with Prebid and Google, UniConsent simplifies meeting GDPR requirements while protecting your ad revenue.

IAB registered consent manager for GDPRIAB TCF V2 registered consent manager for GDPRIAB TCF Canada registered consent managerGoogle-certified CMP

UniConsent Consent Management Platform (CMP) is designed to tackle the specific challenges of GDPR and ePrivacy Directive compliance, offering a streamlined approach to manage user consents under IAB TCF 2.2. With UniConsent CMP, businesses can effortlessly integrate a system that enhances user trust and ensures regulatory compliance, making complex consent management tasks simpler and more efficient.

IAB TCF 2.2 Compliance

Complying with IAB TCF 2.2 goes beyond fulfilling legal obligations—it ensures your digital advertising operations respect user privacy and maintain data transparency. Our platform offers a comprehensive solution for managing consent signals, keeping your advertising practices compliant and efficient with the latest updates in TCF 2.2.

Designed for Publishers and Advertisers

UniConsent CMP offers customized consent banners, detailed analytics on user consent behavior, and a suite of other features designed to simplify consent management. This not only aids in legal compliance but also provides valuable insights into your audience's privacy preferences, enabling you to adapt and refine your data strategies effectively.

UniConsent CMP facilitates accurate consent capturing and communication between publishers and advertisers, ensuring a smooth collaboration. This mutual understanding optimizes ad targeting and revenue opportunities, all within a framework that respects user privacy and complies with relevant regulations, benefiting all parties involved in digital advertising.

UniConsent CMP for IAB TCF 2.2

Integrating our CMP is straightforward, with our comprehensive guide and dedicated support team ready to assist through setup, customization, and deployment. This guide ensures quick and hassle-free implementation, allowing you to focus on what matters most—running a compliant and user-respecting digital platform.

UniConsent CMP for IAB TCF 2.2

FAQ and Support

What is IAB TCF?

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) is a set of guidelines and protocols designed to help publishers, advertisers, and tech companies comply with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy Directive when processing personal data or accessing and storing information on a user's device. TCF facilitates the communication of users' consent choices across the digital advertising supply chain, ensuring that data is processed in accordance with users’ consent.#

How does the IAB TCF work?

The IAB Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) facilitates GDPR and ePrivacy Directive compliance in digital advertising by standardizing how user consent is collected, stored, and shared. Publishers use Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) to present notices to users, who can then consent to, adjust, or withdraw permission for data processing. These decisions are saved in a first-party cookie and encoded into a consent string by the CMP. This consent string, which reflects the user's preferences, is passed along the advertising supply chain, ensuring all parties—vendors and advertisers—process data in accordance with the user's consent.

What is IAB TCF 2.2?

On May 16, 2023, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) introduced Version 2.2 of its Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF v2.2), featuring a range of policy and technical enhancements. This update is designed to assist businesses in navigating compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy Directive within the realm of digital advertising. It also ensures alignment with the latest market demands and regulatory standards.

IAB TCF 2.2 is the latest version of the Transparency & Consent Framework, introduced to address the evolving requirements of GDPR and to incorporate feedback from various stakeholders in the digital advertising industry. This update includes enhancements such as more detailed specifications for the handling of user data, greater flexibility for publishers in presenting consent options, and improved transparency measures for users. TCF 2.2 aims to provide a more robust framework for managing consent signals, thus ensuring a higher level of user privacy and data protection compliance while maintaining the efficiency of the digital advertising ecosystem.

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自动扫描网站以发现 Cookie。根据隐私法规,法律要求披露 Cookie 的使用情况。
确保向需求合作伙伴传递 GDPR 用户意见。为发布商和 DSP 提供合规的 cookie 意见征求收集。
可定制的 CMP UI
提供意见征求管理的全面追踪和图表。并将分析数据导出到 Google Data Studio 进行详细分析。
可以确保数字出版商、大型网络、程序化广告堆栈、SaaS 和电子商务网站至关重要的高性能、低延迟和可靠性。
精通解决 GDPR CMP 相关问题。并且有专门的支持团队可实现无缝 GDPR/CCPA CMP 集成。

开始使您的网站和应用符合欧盟 GDPR、美国 CPRA、加拿大 PIPEDA 等法规
