Cookie-Scanner für Datenschutzkonformität

Verwalten Sie Cookies mit dem UniConsent Cookie Scanner und klassifizieren Sie Cookies in Kategorien, um die Anforderungen an die Cookie-Offenlegung nach GDPR/CCPA zu erfüllen.

UniConsent Cookie Scanner

UniConsent Cookie Scanner is a feature within the Consent Management Platform to automatically scan, analysis, classify and audit the cookies on your website. The cookies on your website could be placed by any trackers, advertising scripts, social widgets, analytical tools etc. tags to identify a user or track the user across the internet and their interactions. For privacy reason, Data protection laws like GDPR/CCPA/LGPD require the website to disclose the cookies and the trackers. UniConsent Cookie Scanner simulates a real user and regularly visit a website to detect all the cookies to keep your website compliant with privacy laws.

cookies scanner

Do I need an auto cookie scanner for my website?

A Cookie Scanner is required if there are complex third party javascript tags, especially for the websites running advertising and analytical tools. The cookies may change day by day, which could become a pain to manage.

If your website has no external javascript tags or you can easily list all the cookies, the cookie scanner may not be required. However, as your website grows you may have peace of mind knowing you don’t need to remember to disclose your cookies and worry about user consent with a CMP like UniConsent.

How do I categorise the cookies on a website?

The UK International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has defined and developed the commonly used cookie categorises:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies
  • Performance Cookies
  • Functionality Cookies
  • Targeting or Advertising Cookies

How does UniConsent analyse websites for cookie changes and audit your website?

UniConsent GDPR Cookie Scanner will visit your website once per day to detect cookie changes. You can also manually trigger the cookie scanner via the UniConsent Cookie Management Console.

website cookies audit report By default, the Cookie Scanner will only visit the homepage of your website, but you can add other web pages which use different script tags or cookies.

If a cookie can't be detected automatically by the cookie scanner, you can add it on your website manually. You can also override the cookie info at the UniConsent Cookies Management Console.

You can see the details of all detected cookies found on your website, the details will be listed within the UniConsent CMP widget on your website, keeping the widget updated with any changes so your users can manage their consent.

UniConsent will detect a cookie and automatically try and categorise it for you but, you can change this within the CMP console or add cookies manually into categories.

IAB registered consent manager for GDPRIAB TCF V2 registered consent manager for GDPRIAB TCF Canada registered consent managerGoogle-certified CMP
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Beginnen Sie damit, Ihre Website und Anwendung gemäß EU-DSGVO, US-CPRA, CA-PIPEDA usw. konform zu machen
