Google Consent Mode V2 Deadline is Approaching


4 min read

Google Consent Mode V2, which was introduced in late November 2023, is an updated version of the original Consent Mode developed by Google. The Google Certified CMP UniConsent has been supporting the Consent Mode API since 2020 and also provides support for Consent Mode V2, helping you implement Google Consent Mode V2.

Google Consent Mode V2 Deadline is ApproachingGoogle Consent Mode V2 Deadline is Approaching

Google Consent Mode is a set of APIs integrated with Google's products, such as Google Tag Manager, to manage users' cookie consent choices. It enhances the effectiveness of Google tags.

Google introduced two new parameters, ad_user_data and ad_personalization, in Consent Mode V2 in addition to the existing ones (analytics_storage and ad_storage). These new parameters are specifically designed to enhance user privacy by controlling whether user data can be sent to Google for advertising purposes and whether personalized advertising (remarketing) can be enabled. These settings determine if personal data is sent to Google, which is applicable to services like Google Ads, Google Shopping, Google Play, and more.

Consent Mode V2 is integrated with various Google products, including:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google Ads
  • Google Shopping
  • Google Play

Consent Mode V2 allows you to pass consent signals to Google services, including ad_storage, ad_user_data, ad_personalization, analytics_storage, functionality_storage, personalization_storage, and security_storage. It also enables the transmission of privacy-protected signals to Google services from users who have not given their consent. This enhances the quality of data modeling for GA4 and conversion tracking in Google Ads.

Advertisers who want to use Google Ads for remarketing and auto-bidding, as well as publishers in the European Economic Area (EEA) who run Google Ads, should implement Consent Mode V2. Without this implementation, no data about new EEA users will be captured by advertising platforms like Google Ads and GA4 after March 2024. Google Consent Mode is required, regardless of whether you use browser or server-side tracking.

The deadline for implementing Google Consent Mode V2 is March 2024 for all websites using Google services.

You can implement Google Consent Mode V2 by simply installing and setting up the UniConsent CMP, which supports the Google Consent Mode V2 API on your website.

  1. Set up the UniConsent Consent Management Platform (CMP) to manage user consents.
  2. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) tags or similar tags are only loaded when a user has given consent; they are not fired when a user rejects cookies.
  1. Set up the UniConsent Consent Management Platform (CMP) to manage user consents.
  2. Load the Google Analytics (GA4) tag by default and allow the CMP to communicate with Google tags.
  3. Google tags only send cookieless pings to Google for data modeling, which is powered by Google Consent Mode V2.

You can use Google Tag Assistant or the Chrome console to check if your Consent Mode V2 implementation is working on your website. Find more details at: What is Google Consent Mode?

How to confirm UniConsent CMP for Google Consent Mode is workingHow to confirm UniConsent CMP for Google Consent Mode is working

Activate Google Consent Mode UniConsent to enhance the accuracy of your Google Analytics and Google Ads conversion data.

Set up Google Consent Mode →

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