How to Make Your Website GDPR CCPA Compliant With UnicScript


2 min read

UniConsent Script (UnicScript) is a metadata script designed by UniConsent CMP and available on the sites installed UniConsent CMP. It allows website owners and publishers to manage the third party scripts or other on-page elements based on the user's consent choices.

How to make your website GDPR CCPA compliant with UnicScriptHow to make your website GDPR CCPA compliant with UnicScript

How UnicScript works

A third party script will be loaded or not loaded based on GEO location, the privacy law requirement of the location and the user's consent status. You can set up privacy compliance rules within the UniConsent dashboard.

UnicScript makes it easier for the publishers who are not managing third party scripts with Google Tag Manager or don't like to manage these with the tag manager within UniConsent CMP.

You can modify the third-party scripts on your page by adding some UnicScript metadata for integration and conversion.

<script type="text/unicscript" unic-purpose-id="1">
  console.log('purpose 1 is allowed, the script is executed.');
<script type="text/unicscript" unic-vendor-id="1">
  console.log('uniconsent custom vendor 1 is allowed, the script is executed.');

You can also manage Google Adsense script with UnicScript to fix the IAB TCF errors on your site.

As a publisher, you have multiple ways to integrate your website with UniConsent: Google Tag Manager, UniConsent Tag Manager or UnicScript. You can find more details in the document section within your UniConsent dashboard.

About UniConsent

UniConsent is a part of Transfon User Experience Platform serves tens of millions of users per day to provide a seamless privacy experience for both users and publishers in the age of post GDPR. Contact us to know more:

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Beginnen Sie damit, Ihre Website und Anwendung gemäß EU-DSGVO, US-CPRA, CA-PIPEDA usw. konform zu machen
